Celebrating 25 Years of fostering professional & personal growth of Filipino-American Nurses in North Carolina!

Why Join?

The privilege of Representation:

As a member of the Philippine Nurses Association of America and the 10,000 Filipino-American nurses in the United States, you are represented in various professional organizations, government agencies, community groups, and other coalitions.

Educational Opportunities:

Quarterly Hybrid Learning Seminars with free CEs, Regional & National Leadership, and Educational seminars

Leadership Development:

Various opportunities to develop your leadership skills thru training & seminars

Community Service:

Opportunities to serve the community through Health Check Screenings, Patient Education, and Medical Missions to the Philippines.

Subscription to the Journal of the Philippine Nurses of America:

As a paying member of the PNAA, you will receive updated information about PNAA activities.

Serving Your Colleague:

You will have the privilege of serving as a delegate, officer, or committee member at the national level. You’ll vote on important issues, decisions, and actions that affect Filipino-American nurses and the Asian community at large.

The link will take you to PNAA’s online membership registration/renewal.

Membership to PNA-NC automatically makes you

a member of PNAA.

Register or Renew Membership here

If you prefer to mail in your application,

download the application form:

Click & Download the form here

or email

Aileen Laczi
(Chairman, Membership Committee)



Join PNA-NC by clicking the link below.
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